The young boy Freddy is excited to be just like his dad and become a wolf, unfortunately, his transformation isn’t quite what he expected. This family-friendly animated film was directed by Alexs Stadermann. The voice actors include Ilai Swindells, Adriane Daff, Akmal Saleh, and many more. His new pack needs a leader, but Freddy has bigger problems. He doesn’t look like the rest of the wolfs instead he looks like a friendly poodle.
He has a deadline to prove his capabilities as a wolf and show that his appearance doesn’t define him, if he fails, he will be banished! Facing challenging obstacles along the way, while making new friends. This movie is all about being different and its what’s on the inside that really counts.
Will Freddy live up to his family’s legacy or will he be banished? You can find out right here from July 31st.
By-Zoe Mcloughlin