I, Tonya is a new dark comedy film directed by Craig Gillespie and written by Steven Rogers. The Movie follows the life of figure skater Tonya Harding and in particular her connection to the infamous 1994 attack on her great skating rival Nancy Kerrigan. The cast consist of Margot Robbie who stars as Tonya Harding, Sebastian Stan plays Harding’s abusive husband Jeff Gillooly, and Allison Janney who really shines in the role of Tonya Harding’s mother. We are right in the middle of award season at the moment so expect to hear this one being mentioned a lot over the coming weeks.The Movie goes into the back story behind Tonya Harding the person really well as we learn about her abusive upbringing from her childhood right up to and including her marriage to husband Jeff Gillooly. I, Tonya certainly isn’t afraid to cover a lot of the serious issues of life, as well the abusive side to her life we also learn about the social snobbery Harding faced while trying to break into her chosen sport.
Despite the serious content I, Tonya is actually a very funny movie which will get a lot of audiences laugh throughout. Most people will be familiar with the story of the 1994 events which truly turned Tonya Harding into a house hold name for all the wrong reason, but many will not know the full details or even the sketchiness of the facts behind them. I, Tonya the movie will shade a little bit more light on the story for many with this both entertaining and funny View.
By Bill Tubbritt