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Pinocchio the classic is back, this time it’s live-action.


This family favorite storyline is directed by Matteo Garrone. The leading cast includes Federico Ielapai, Roberto Benigni, Rocco Papaleo, and many more amazing actors. This film was released in Italy and received a great response, we are fortunate that the film will be released in English as well.


Set in Italy, Geppetto creates a wooden puppet that comes to life, Pinocchio soon realizes he is not like the other boys and he desperately wants to be a real boy. Life proves to be difficult for him because he is different, but will his lies and nose get him in trouble? Will Pinocchio ever be a real boy or will his lies get him punished; you can find out right here from the 14th of August.

By-Zoe Mcloughlin

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