Please note, photo ID is required for 16 and 18 cert Movies with no exceptions.
Please note, photo ID is required for 16 and 18 cert Movies with no exceptions.
Please note, photo ID is required for 16 and 18 cert Movies with no exceptions.
Please note, photo ID is required for 16 and 18 cert Movies with no exceptions. Apply for Manager Position

Reel Parents

Baby friendly screenings




Reel Parents @

Would you like to catch the latest blockbuster with your baby in the morning with like minded parents and guardians?

Reel Parents screenings are exclusive to pre crawlers and their parents/guardians so you can make your way into the screen, sit back and relax without worrying that you are disturbing any other guests while the movie is playing. The sound of the feature will be reduced for peace and comfort.

Arrive early to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee.

Please note that in keeping with standard practice, our screen is fully fitted with aisle and stairway lighting for your safety and convenience.

Prams or Buggies please must not block Fire Exits or walkways in screens due to Health & Safety regulations. Buggies/prams or personal belongings are left at our guests’ own risk.

Due to new restrictions, we ask that parents/guardians only sit in their assigned seats which will be issued on their tickets.